Account deletion

Account Deletion

In the latest update to our system, we have implemented a new feature that allows users to request account deletion. Since it is possible that users may still have funds in their wallets, it’s crucial to ensure that the request for account deletion is intentional and not due to an error. Additionally, we aim to eliminate any risks of scams, phishing attacks, or unauthorised access due to lost or stolen devices.

To safeguard our users’ interests, our support team will confirm the following before proceeding with account deletion:

  • Verification that the contact is indeed the legitimate account holder.
  • Confirmation that all assets have been withdrawn from the wallet prior to account closure.
  • Assurance that the account holder is not being coerced or manipulated by third parties to close the account.
  • Verification that the account holder still has possession of the phone where the app is installed.

These procedures are designed to provide the highest level of protection for our users. The procedure may last up to 24 hours.